;;; file name: G:\datepstk\study-tk ;;; \MS-tk-v01 ;;; \prog-tk-shiyo-suru ;;; \price-model-type001 ;;; \total-costs-type001-fun-v007.lsp ;;; ;;; v007 ( May 26, 2003 ) ;;; (defun total-costs-type001-fun ( alpha-pri beta-pri start-price stop-price increment-price fixed-costs vari-costs ) ;;; ;;; 実行に必要なprogram file: ;;; quantity-for-price-type001-fun-v014.lsp ;;; (ただし、v014はversion 14であることを ;;; 示しており、変更されている場合がある。) ;;; (cond ( (or (< fixed-costs 0) (<= vari-costs 0) ) (print "fixed-costs must be >= 0 or")(terpri) (print "vari-costs must be > 0.")(terpri) (format t " fixed-costs = ~12d" fixed-costs)(terpri) (format t " vari-costs = ~12d" vari-costs)(terpri) (setf fixed-costs 10000) (setf vari-costs 100) (format t " fixed-costs(changed) = ~12d" fixed-costs)(terpri) (format t " vari-costs(changed) = ~12d" vari-costs)(terpri) ) (t) ) (setf quantity-in-tc (quantity-for-price-type001-fun alpha-pri beta-pri start-price stop-price increment-price) ) ;;; quantity-in-tc: quantity in total costs (def total-costs-type001 (+ fixed-costs (* vari-costs quantity-in-tc) ) ) total-costs-type001 )